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We're over halfway through 2022 - this isn't right.

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This isn't for any admin, or people assisting with the project.  It's just for Mark and Scott. 

Personally I know the risk I take when investing in a Kickstarter. I use money that's expendable, and if things don't work out, they don't.

I've got a Beta. But I'm unlikely to see the finished product with working saves and bugs repaired.  I'm unlikely to see the tier I paid for which includes a big box, DVD of the game, 'special goodies' or a personal thank you note from the SQH (Big fan by the way Troells and bought your SQIV + Galaxy Galaria vinyls) 

Regardless of last year's November update, it just seems to have surpassed the point of ridiculousness. The beta has promise, genuine laughs, but massively underwhelming in my opinion.  Best thing for us all is to get an apology which I personally will happily accept, because as above, I knew the risks.  But also I want you guys to be the same heroes I remember as a 13 year old.  I won't throw any shade because I understand all the personal sh*t you've been through.  But I think you need to give up this burden for good, apologise, then stick it on github for others to complete. Enjoy your lives and your existing wonderful legacy.

I'll remain a fan for the rest of my life.


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