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The Space Quest 3 Intro Song,In of course,Minecraft Noteblocks.


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Haha, that was great! How long did that take you to do, anyway?


(And yes, I left a comment on the video itself. ;) )


(Also, I reposted this on the 2GFA Google+ page. Hope you don't mind.)


I used a generator for it,I always use these cool things like that,the only legit one I did was a really cool Roger statue.Also,what is 2GFA?I don't mind at all BTW


Also,I don't use Google Plus,I am a proud user of hotmail,can you please post a picture of the page so I can see?

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Also,what is 2GFA?

2GFA = Two Guys From Andromeda. :)


I don't mind at all BTW


Also,I don't use Google Plus,I am a proud user of hotmail,can you please post a picture of the page so I can see?


Thanks very much! You should be able to see the post even if you're not a G+ user (it's a public post). But here's a screenshot nonetheless:



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