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Countdown to Ken Allen's Kickstarter project


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Hi all.


The countdown has begun. I've submitted everything to Kickstarter and am awaiting their approval. I wanted to launch on 1/21/13 there were a few delays in getting everything lined up properly.


If funded, I will be creating all new recordings of music I created over the course of my game composing career 1989-1996.


But to get started, I'd like to share the various links for the project.


My blog for this Kickstarter project is at www.kenspace.com

My Twitter handle is @mrkenallen

The Twitter hashtag for this project is #KSDome

The Facebook page is www.facebook.com/UnderTheHalfdome (shortened to http://goo.gl/ES2Dd for Twitter purposes)

And on Google Plus, http://goo.gl/jQe0i


Please visit the project page on whichever of these two social networks is you home. Please SHARE the page URLs in your feed. SHARE spreads the word. LIKE and +1 just keeps YOU updated. When KS approves the project, I'll announce it in these awesome forums.


Ken "your music pal" Allen

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