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A Question Regarding: Space Quest 4 Time Codes

Cosmic Castaway

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(I'm positive that this question has been answered at some point, and I'm almost 100% positive that I was the one to ask it, but what the hey, I'll ask it anyway.)


How was the player supposed to discover the correct time codes once they've stolen the Time Pod in Space Quest XII? Was it merely trial and error, or were they supplied in the game's documentation? I remember playing it by trial and error when I first played it, but (thankfully!) we had the good sense to write down the code for the twelfth realm-er, game. Naturally it's a non-issue for me now, as my manual has every time code inscribed in the notes section, but I'm still curious...


And to stray somewhat from the topic, did anyone else find it a little interesting that the Sequel Police didn't bother to try and open the Time Pod and kill Roger right then and there? Naturally that wouldn't be very good from a gameplay standpoint, but it's something that always bothered me. That probably stems more from the question of how the Time Pods actually open though.

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I think Estros was trial and error, but there were a few easy combinations that would work and send you there (like the whole top row from left to right and then down or something). Or maybe it was always the third combination you attempted automatically or something. I don't remember. Everything else was supplied. The code for SQXII is right there as soon as you get in the pod which you have to write down right away (or make a save so you can load back and see it). The SQ1 timecode is a puzzle inside the game (half on a gum wrapper you find on a dead sequel policeman and the other half is in the SQ4 hint book). The Galaxy Galleria code is inside the time pod that appears when the sequel police track you in the arcade which you also have to write down if you ever want to go back there (which you do, since you need to figure out which Pocket Pal terminal jack converter to buy). Any other time codes are easter eggs (SQ3 Ortega and whatever else there is I forget).


And I always figured that the sequel police just didn't notice Roger get into the time pod until he travelled through time. Of course, if you got the wrong time code apparently the pod makes a lot of noise and sequel police still do nothing, which doesn't make much sense. But maybe they walked off somewhere while Roger was sitting in the pod.

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This is silly and dumb but I must share it with someone and get it off my chest... I actually tried to spell ESTROS with the figures :oops: I remember my brother and I couldn't find something close to 'R' so we tried ESTNOS as well... I learned about the first row combination way longer after I finished SQV !!!!


How I knew the word 'Estros' from the beginning: I saved the game in the timepod.. (didn't have windows back then) so I viewed the contents of the save file as simple as:


c:\>Sierra\SQ4\type fileName.ext |more


I stumbled thru code machine and found a few strings here and there.. "Space Quest X: Latex Babes of Estros" was among them...


I ALWAYS thought about the sequel police standing blabbering about their search... I don't think they walked away while Roger was in the pod then got back just when the exit button is pressed... also the pod makes noises.. at least the sliding window should produce some noise whether while it slides or when it is shut. But I always thought about the surprized men when the pod disappears right in front of them!! LOL

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Yes, I remember that you find the codes for the mall and SQ1, I suppose I should have phrased that as "the code for Space Quest X". I'm planning to go back and play through the series again soon, so I'll see if the "third code automatically works" theory holds water.


As for the Sequel Police talking, that scene still makes so little sense to me. Still, I suppose it's plausible that they were too busy conversing to notice Roger, or that he simply moved too fast for them. Besides, it's kind of funny to think that the Time Pods are locked once an occupant is inside it, which would mean that the Sequel Police are stuck waiting for Roger to exit the pod! And of course that'd provide plenty of opportunities for shenanigans with the Sequel Police themselves, especially seeing how they usually travel in pairs. :wink:

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I'm pretty sure it's actually the second code you try that gets you to Estros. To quote the hintbook on this site:


I'm in the timepod, but I can't get it started. Did I miss a set of keys somewhere?

- Yeah, they're back in Space Quest III (just kidding): You need the U.I.V.P.P.P. (User Identity Verification Pirate Protection Program) code.

- You have zee code, no?

- You have zee documentation, no?

- The U.I.V.P.P.P. is located in the Space Piston Magazine in the Timebuster 2000 SUX Road Test Article by Y. Hugh Iotta.

- Don't forget to right down the current code!

- If you have the CD-ROM version, enter any code code you want. The second time will get you doing.

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It would seem that way. See, that's what got me wondering, since I only ever played the CD version. My dad bought the CD-ROM version of SQ4 back in...1997? It's the Sierra Originals version, too. Didn't come with much in the way of documentation, and there was certainly no copy protection included, since the CD covered that. The other version I have is the Space Quest Collection one, but I think that's the CD version as well.

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  MusicallyInspired said:

So the Estros code was actually copy protection in the disk version? Aside from the actual copy protection?

That's... that's impossible. I've played the disk version. The one with no voice acting, right? It doesn't require a specific code. It just has a copy protection segment, that silly chart.

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Yes, I knew about the copy protection. But the hint book acts as if the copy protection is the Estros code in the floppy version. Just strange wording that can possibly confuse people. Otherwise it's exactly the same as the CD-ROM version; the second random code you type in takes you to Estros.

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