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"We Want a New Space Quest Game" Facebook group

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Ah, drama in the Sierra Community.


Actually, Sierra Planet had quite a bit of drama back in the day, but 98% of it was kept off the message boards and reserved for Yahoo Messenger/AIM. :D


Thankfully, all of that has been resolved. But then again, Sierra Planet is a shadow of what it once was, sadly. :(


Even with the new King's Quest game out, Sierra Planet hasn't had tons of traffic like it once did.


Talk to you later!!!




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Facebook et al probably have more to do with the demise of the forums than anything else. Too bad as they are not nearly as conducive to holding a real discussion as a proper forum is. Twitter is probably the worst of the lot given its limitation of such a tiny number of characters per post. It reduces interaction to little more than an inane string of quips. Of course so many accessing things with their smart phones only exacerbates it.

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I think forums will make a come back, in some form or another. I've used IRC more in the past year than I did in the previous 8. It's about the right tool for the job.


Twitter and Facebook do some things really well. Other things not so well. I don't subscribe to the idea that they are inherently useless for conversation, they just encourage a different kind of conversation.


Indeed, those forms of social media seem the perfect way to promote and draw people into a good forum...

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I never said that social media is useless, just not very good for any kind of in depth conversation. Another function of a real forum is as a reference, a repository of information. This information can be indexed by Google. I am sure that many have found information in old posts of forums from a simple Google search. Any Facebook post will dissappear with time.


It would be nice to see social media as sort of portal to proper forums, but I have yet to see much of that. Perhaps that would change if people weren't avoiding forums.

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See, I don't agree with any of that. I like the anonymity of forums most of all. I don't like the idea of linking my social media which I consider private to all these forums. It's bad enough that I'm on Sierra FB groups at all. I keep second guessing myself about leaving them. I used to only use FB for friends and family. I don't like people having that much access to me. I know you can change how much of your stuff is private and public, but it's just so much hassle when a forum easily circumvents these things by default.


I'll never link a social media account with a forum.

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I was not taliking about linking accounts, but more of a point of making new people aware or even reminding those that have not around for a while that the forums still exist. Anonymity used to matter more to me but since I have had my real name in various credits associated with my user name that is a horse that left the barn long ago. I would assume that the same would apply to you too, at least to some degree. Certainly anyone that wishes to remain anonymous should be able to do so, but often that may be not much more than an illusion.

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