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Status of The Sierra Convention 2014

Max Wilco

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The last update I have was from July 11:


Wanted to update everyone (recent post in Sierra Gamers): 

Sorry for the delay on information, personally I am not sure the 2014 day is possible. Sadly some of the people I was working with had to break off for other projects (mainly the person with convention experience), also the talks I have had with Sierra Alumni we had some issues nailing down a specific week/weekend that worked for everyone. 

At this time I am just re-grouping and working with a small group of people to sort out logistics/timing/budget. I don't want to say its off but for now its on hold. If you have any questions just shoot me an e-mail Mike@TheSierraCon.com
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If something like this does happen, there should be a competent videographer to record highlights and interview people for posterity and so that people who couldn't attend could still share in the experience.

This. Very this. Also live streaming of events that can be archived for future viewings.

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I'm going to be totally honest. I would absolutely go to something like this, especially if it were near me. However... I would feel so awkward going if there were just a handful of people there. You know what I mean? And then if the few there already knew each other, I would feel even more uncomfortable. Imagine walking into some kind of banquet room and seeing a few groups of people sitting around mostly empty tables. Am I imagining this wrong? I have never been to anything of the sort before. It reminds me of how I would check out parties in college with a friend, and we would try to peek in first to see how many people were there before deciding to go in. Maybe I'm just paranoid, but that's what comes to my mind. I almost wonder if it would be better to have such a gathering near, or as an unofficial offshoot of, a major gaming conference somewhere. It just seems like a lot to ask people to make a special trip just for a specific Sierra convention, especially when it has never been done before.

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