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I know that in Space Quest 6, there is like 4 objects that are not used. I thought about a way to see them in-game, and I thought that it could be possible to find my saved games directory, find all the data that is associated to Roger, find the inventory data, add the missing objects data, and VOILA! The only problem is that I'm not a good programmer at all. I don't know where are my saved games, neither how to edit them. Could someone help me please?

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Holy shit, I didn't know that! Awesome!



  On 11/11/2013 at 12:43 PM, 'BlockMaster' said:

How do you do that ?! Incredible! I never saw that before! Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! :)


Apparently, you just create an empty file named "CLASSES" (no extension) in the directory you installed SQ6 in. That activates the debug mode. When you start the game, it should bring up the "Where to?" screen Collector showed. And you can then use Akril's link to navigate the debug mode.


Note that the wiki says that SQ6's debug mode is "very buggy." How ironic ... and how toooootally unlike the game itself, eh? Eh? ;)

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Hah ... the LSL6 SVGA CD-ROM version has a pretty fucked up debug. Clicking multiple times on background objects apparently makes inventory items fall out of the sky and into Larry's pockets: http://sciwiki.sierrahelp.com/index.php?title=SCI_Debug_Modes#Leisure_Suit_Larry_6_.28SVGA_CD_version.29


Damn, I wish they'd included the SVGA CD version of LSL6 with the Larry Collection. I miss that thing.


Anyway, sorry, that was OT ... back on track! (Ahem!)

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View562-0-0.bmpThank you so much for the debug, collector. With that, I was able to have in my inventory the rag, the bundle of nerves, the electromagnet and the handcuffs. I realized some things. First, all of them have an image and a cursor except the rag. The rag uses the image and cursor of the pump. Second, all of them have a voice description except for the handcuffs. Third, the real image for the rag exist in the folder, but no icon, and it's not linked to the rag. Fourth, if you click on the paperclip with the bundle of nerves, or vice-versa, it won't create the electromagnet. Look at my attached thumbnail. You will see what the rag was supposed to look like.
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Keep in mind that any abandoned resource may not be usable, even with debug. There are several things required for a resource in a game, most importantly script/heap that use them. If it is a view resource being used for an inventory item it also needs a message resource to give it a name for the interpreter to call it. For a talkie game it may need an audio resource in the RESOURCE.AUD or the RESOURCE.SFX.


Additionally, using debug to to add an unused item to your inventory could cause problems. If there is partial support for it in the game, i.e. something in the scripts, which makes calls to other nonexistant resource, it will crash with a panic message that it could not find the missing resource.

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  On 11/11/2013 at 2:05 PM, 'Troels Pleimert' said:

Hah ... the LSL6 SVGA CD-ROM version has a pretty fucked up debug. Clicking multiple times on background objects apparently makes inventory items fall out of the sky and into Larry's pockets: http://sciwiki.sierr...A_CD_version.29


Damn, I wish they'd included the SVGA CD version of LSL6 with the Larry Collection. I miss that thing.


Anyway, sorry, that was OT ... back on track! (Ahem!)


LSL6CD is still fairly easy to find on eBay. This is ebay.com, but you could probably find a similar deal on a European eBay where shipping would not kill you.



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  On 11/11/2013 at 4:54 PM, 'Collector' said:

LSL6CD is still fairly easy to find on eBay. This is ebay.com, but you could probably find a similar deal on a European eBay where shipping would not kill you.




Doesn't the Larry Collection on GOG.com contain LSL6CD, though? I don't own that particular collection myself, but the size of the download seems to indicate it's in there.

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I just checked. it is based on the Leisure Suit Larry Hits and Misses collection, which did not include the CD version. The LSL Collection Series contained two discs, the first one identical to Hits and Misses and the second disc was LSL6 Talkie. The GOG collection does include it, too, but they clearly did not understand anything about it. They include DOSBox, but everything is setup in ScummVM, which does not support SCI2 games. LSL6CD is crash prone because of it. They think that it is a VGA game instead of a VESA game. The install files appear to be tampered with and it is missing files, such as the VESA driver. It also looks as if someone tried to patch it for GUS sound.


I might develop a patch to correct all of the screwups, if there is any demand.

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  On 11/21/2013 at 1:44 AM, 'BlockMaster' said:

I found a strange item. It looks like the morphin, but on it, you can read morphing and the object is named morphing in the debug. No description for it, though. Is it in-game?


That's the joke, actually. It's not morphine, but morphing ... which is why the shuttle bay guard starts transforming instead of falling asleep. :) So I don't think it's a secret object.


Typical Josh Mandel pun.

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