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Help us come up with some hilarious meal names for Taco Nova!


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  • 7 months later...

Necro Thread Warning!!!!



Gamma-Ray Grande          One hulking burito!

Burritostar Galactaco         A frackin good combo!

SpaceFoodStick Salsa Platter         Beef and Chicken*        (*artificial flavor)
Space-a-Dilla            it's totally orbital!

Solar Flare Fajita   (extra crispy)          Great carbon flavor!

Poucho Villa  blended meal pouch         Great for Zero-G!

Cluck Y'Egger's Huevos Rancheros breakfast burrito

Health Inspector Especial         (Free to qualified individuals)

KIDS!!! Get your very own (surplus) MOON MEAL!!!

It's RAD!! Sterilized with PURE RADIATION!!!

Contains FUN food TUBES and COOL food CUBES!!!

FREE! Cluck Y'Egger Action Figure

Oh, and it's "Chalupa Cabra" :)



Ask for genuine Space Ghost Pepper hot sauce!

We proudly serve Fiesta Fizz Brand industrial solvent.        (seriously need to do something with the popular "Coke cleans toilets" idea)
All ingredients are certified GMO!
Taco Nova uses only the finest imported MSG.

Please note that items sold as "food" may not have actual nutritional content and are for entertainment purposes only.




Taco Nova products are not designed, manufactured, or tested for use or consumption by any specific life-form or entity,
and Taco Nova does not guarantee the fitness of its products for any particular use or purpose.
Taco Nova is not responsible for adverse biological reactions that may occur due
to ingestion or contact with any substance or organism obtained at its retail locations.
Taco Nova is not liable for any indirect, incidental, special, punitive, exemplary, or consequential damages
of any kind arising from use or misuse of its products, including use that results in death, personal injury,
severe property damage, or environmental harm.
By entering the premises, you acknowledge and agree that you are responsible for verifying and validating
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