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Space Quest Historian Podcast - The Official Thread

Troels Pleimert

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Great episode! I enjoyed Ken's portion immensely, obviously. The bit with Steve had me laughing out loud! LordKat's rant was very funny as well. Great episode! I've grown to look forward to these all the time now.


Excellent; thank you very much. I'm glad you liked it, sir! And I look forward to hearing more from you in future instalments! :)



Awesome episode. Very informative and hilarious. As usual. I look forward to hearing (and even participating in) more.


Thank you! You just let me know if you've got something to say, and I'll find the time for you to say it. :)

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Calling all X chromosomes! (That means you ladies.)


The next podcast will be about women in gaming; a subject I know many of you feel strongly about. I want to get into this because I want to puncture that stupid fucking stereotype that female gamers are all about ponies and Singstar. For the life of me, I cannot understand why there still appears to be the stigmatism that female gamers are either exclusively casual gamers because they don't "understand real games" (and what the fuck is a "real game," anyway?), or that they're hardcore gamers and therefore by necessity unattractive and abrasive.


I absolutely loathe and detest gender discrimination and I feel that the games industry, consciously or unconsciously, is feeding a sort of gender discrimination by marketing games "for girls" that are plastered with pink, frilly lettering and cutesy bullshit.


So I want to hear from REAL gamers who just HAPPEN TO BE female. Who just play games because they're fun, not because they somehow affirm their gender identity or some bullshit.


And, conversely, if you think I'm way off, let me know.


The deal is: Instead of me sitting around, as a male, talking about what it's like to be a female gamer (what a joke that would be), I'd rather have someone tell me. Because what the fuck do I know about being a female gamer?


I would especially, of course, like to hear from female Space Quest fans -- because, as Scott Murphy says, everyone has the right to be a space loser. What attracts you to Space Quest? Why do you find Space Quest funny? What about the fact that there was supposed to be an option in SQ1 that you can play as a female; would that have made any difference in your enjoyment of the game whatsoever?


I can only speculate. I want to hear from real people. Real people with boobs and uteruses and X chromosomes and periods and all that jazz. Any takers?


How to? I want to hear your voice on the podcast. You can send me your voice file at troels@pleimert.dk (preferably mp3). Or upload it to Dropbox, or Google Drive, or wherever you want. Just send the link til troels@pleimert.dk and I'll put it in the podcast. Or, if you prefer, reply to this thread or DM me if you want further input before getting on the mic.

Edited by Troels Pleimert
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Hey, I have an X chromosome... only one though. That doesn't count right?


I'm not a scientist, but if you have a dick, for once you're not eligible. ;)


Yes, I realize the irony of combatting sexual discrimination by discriminating myself. That's because I not only have a dick, I also am one.


Edit: Kidding aside, transgender and transsexuals are, of course, also welcome! I don't know if we even have any from the transgender crosssection represented in the SQ community? Would be cool if we did. I wear nail polish myself occasionally, but that hardly qualifies.

Edited by Troels Pleimert
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Thanks for another great episode. Really interesting content all around! Kudos to Brandon, Ken, Steven, LordKaT and, of course, my fellow bacon-muncher, for a fun listen :)


Here's hoping you get plenty of women (I don't believe there are any transsexuals or transgenders among us, no) out of the woodwork for the next episode! With that premise, I'm looking forward to hearing it already.

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Edit: Kidding aside, transgender and transsexuals are, of course, also welcome! I don't know if we even have any from the transgender crosssection represented in the SQ community? Would be cool if we did. I wear nail polish myself occasionally, but that hardly qualifies.

*cough* You rang?



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By the way: I plan to write a blog post about this to explain more fully, but there's a really easy way for you guys to submit recordings to me.


If you just have a smartphone, you can use the voice recorder app (every smartphone has one, or you can download one for free from the app store) and just e-mail the voice file to troels@pleimert.dk. You don't even have to turn on your computer.


For the "girl gamer" question, I just wanted to clarify, I didn't mean for you to submit a full bit with a lengthy statement. Just a short soundbite I can insert into my opening spiel.

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Haha! Well, shit, have you got any interesting perspective to add to this, then?


Of course, you have my total respect if you don't want to talk about it like this. But I am genuinely interested. :)


Heh, we'll see. I'm not trying to keep it a secret but I'm also not exactly advertising. I might give you something from such a...unique perspective. Knowing me, I'll end up with a ten minute rant if I do.

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Heh, we'll see. I'm not trying to keep it a secret but I'm also not exactly advertising. I might give you something from such a...unique perspective. Knowing me, I'll end up with a ten minute rant if I do.


I understand completely. Well, probably not completely, but you know what I mean. :)


I wouldn't want you to bare your innermost in intimate detail or anything. I just want to know what attracts you to Space Quest and adventure games in general, and why you think game companies are so eager to appeal to a "girl demographic."


Jeysie and I have been having a great chat on Twitter about locker room mentality in FPS games, testosterone release simulators, girls being more into casual games, the increased focus in storytelling in games coinciding with a rise in female gamers, and such. I'm sure you would have a unique perspective that would be immensely valuable.

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