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Space Quest Historian Podcast - The Official Thread

Troels Pleimert

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So, yes, as you've probably noticed from the Kickstarter update, I've made the transition from video to audio. I'm now hosting "The Space Quest Historian Podcast" which is going out on Chris Pope's TechJives.net network, and will also be receiving its own iTunes feed sometime. For now, you can check out the first episode here: http://techjives.net...sode-1Copy.mp3


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(Three cheers to Christian Giegerich for the perty, perty logo he made out of Mark Crowe's Historian-portrait!)


The first episode features illustrious veteran alumni Jess Morrissette talking about how The Two Guys invented the adventure game arcade sequence; and illustrious veteran alumni Frederik Olsen talking about how there actually were some of the Space Quest music that sounded better on an old AdLib than with the MT-32.


But more than that, there's also the "Braying From the Masses" segment: Like I say in the podcast, I wanna hear from you guys. 'Cos it's talk radio and what better way to create total utter chaos than by letting you guys go all Fraiser-call-in on me.


The topic for this week's episode was "what games were delayed, but not worth the wait? What games were delayed, but TOTALLY worth the wait? And what games came out when promised, but you wish they could've used a bit more time in the polish department?"


Send me your answers -- you have answers, right? -- preferably in audio form, if you want to immortalize your own voice on the podcast. You can also leave a message here, and the most intriguing ones will get read on-air (most likely in a silly voice, so I'd get those microphones dusted off if I were you ;) ).


If you wanna keep your answer/input/response/whatever a "secret," you can always e-mail me your mp3 at troels@pleimert.dk.


Oh, and if you just want to leave a comment about how crappy you think the podcast is (or, conversely, if you somehow perversely enjoyed it), go ahead. I can take it.


The next episode comes out in two weeks, which is October 30th -- the day before Halloween (and coincidentally my birthday, ugh). Ain't that funny? If you guys wanna send me some scary tales of space Halloweeny stuff, too, feel absolutely free!

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Thanks, guys! :)


Serena, I'd love to have you on the show - you're without a doubt the expert on Kickstarted adventure games! That would be a cool segment on its own. :)


I was gonna say that it's probably gonna be long enough to have its own segment. Guess demented minds think alike, huh?

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Yes, in case you didn't see the tweet: Episode 2 is live at this address.




iTunes url with RSS feed is coming soon. When? Don't ask me when. ;)

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Really enjoyed Serena's piece, and totally agree that this should be a recurring feature as we get new news on various Kickstarters. Perhaps a segment which looks at some of the other adventure game series? While I played quite a few of them, my knowledge is far more limited than most of you, and I'd like some good recommendations of other quality adventures to procure.

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While I played quite a few of them, my knowledge is far more limited than most of you, and I'd like some good recommendations of other quality adventures to procure.


That is a subjective view. The QfG series has a very loyal following, perhaps in part because the character that you build can be imported from one game into the next. It provides for a continuity that goes beyond the other series that keep the same protagonists. It also successfully combines elements of an RPG with an adventure game, with the emphasis on the Adventure parts.


The KQ games also have a fair following with KQ6 generally considered by many as one of the all time best adventure games. This is probably in large part because of Jane Jensen's influence, which brings up her signature series, GK, which also has a very loyal following.


I'll leave it to the LSL fans to say why they love that series.


The remaining series have their following, but not on the scale as the previous ones.



Edit: This could be a fairly large in itself, so it may be best to split it off into its own thread.

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Really enjoyed Serena's piece, and totally agree that this should be a recurring feature as we get new news on various Kickstarters. Perhaps a segment which looks at some of the other adventure game series? While I played quite a few of them, my knowledge is far more limited than most of you, and I'd like some good recommendations of other quality adventures to procure.


Thanks for the suggestion. I really want the bits to be at least tangentially related to Space Quest or SpaceVenture. Serena's bit was centered around the SpaceVenture delay. But bringing up other games as examples is always welcome, as both she did in her bit and I did when discussing (throaty voice) FEAR.

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Aaaand ... it's out!




The 3rd episode features Blackthorne talking about the alternate path that was cut from SQ2VGA, as well as what he'd like to do if he ever got to do that VGA remake of SQ3 that we all wanted to see.


Also, Brandon Blume and Ken Allen talk about Brandon's metal medley. No, I will NOT stop talking about that! It's fucking AWESOME! So I made it a recurring segment! DEAL WITH IT! ;)


And, lastly, LordKat came through and delivered in true LordKat form.


Enjoy! And check out this link for behind the scenes info and LordKat's uncensored rant.


Feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/SpaceQuestHistorian


Direct link to mp3: http://traffic.libsyn.com/techjives/2013-11-13_SQ_Historian_Episode_3.mp3


Shareable url: http://techjives.net/2013/11/13/003-secrets-gems-space-quest-historian-podcast/

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