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The Big Final Push - SpaceVenture

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Hey There Guys,


I know I've been following the Two Guys Kickstarter for Space Venture with an active eye. Someting tells me that you guys around here haven't heard about it yet - www.tgakick.com if you haven't seen it!


Heh - just kidding!


But seriously - it's the big push now. The final days. I'm very excited about it, and things seem to keep climbing. This game getting funded is so important to me. I know it's important to all of us. I figured a thread where we could watch, talk about and support the final push was in order.


I'm so impressed with how hard everyone here has worked to support this. I've seen all your names all over the Kickstarter, Twitter, here, there everywhere..... I love being a part of this community. I'm glad that people like you care about adventure games, and that you care about Space Quest.


I know there's been some lumps in this campaign, and some extremely shifty things have gone down. Let's save the savagry about that for later. Scott and Mark.... they're like old friends. To some of you, they ARE old friends! And I want to see my friends rise again to do what they do best. Mark, Scott and Chris Pope are working so hard on all of this. We're going to do this.


And someday, in the future, I wanna have a Google hangout where we're all playing Space Venture together. Because it's gonna happen.




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Yes indeedy, Stephen :)


Let's make this happen. pledges, word on the street, whatever you can do.The more that's announced about this game, the more it feels like a cousin of Space Quest, and it has Gary owens as well as the Two Guys. I'm very confident about the quality of the project and am getting there about the funding. But we need to make it happen!!


Two places to stay over the next 59 hours are:


1. SpaceQuest.Net chat, to keep SQ fans pumped up about SV:



2. Kickstarter comments thread, to praise pledgers new and improved, and keep the impetus going, and keep it positive (of course, this only works if you're a backer):


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