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Space Quest Historian podcast - season 2

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Thanks for the kind words! And that's an understandable perspective; however, the intent of the story is to be more a of a love letter to the Sierra community moreso than the Sierra games themselves. Thus, the more focus on the community members as opposed to the Sierra universe as a whole (considering that there are quite a few Sierra fanfics spread throughout the web, I thought it would be interesting and somewhat original to instead focus on the community). But there will be more Sierra references and such as the story progresses. But I will say that they will continue to remain on the periphery, while the story focuses more on the community.


Thanks again for your response!


Talk to you later!




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  • 2 weeks later...

For the upcoming episode in a week, we're opening the can of worms "Beatrice vs. Stellar".


Who was your favorite 'love interest' for Roger in the series, and why? What did you think of Bea's strong-willed albeit throroughly inactive portrayal in SQ5? Where do you think Stellar fits into the timeline?


You are, of course, free to also talk about the fan game portrayals here - and I am of course thinking of the love triangle drama in Space Quest: Incinerations. :)


If you preface your comment with "For the show:" I will read it out on the show.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm catching up on season two - it's great so far! I just listened to the parser vs. point-and-click episode, and I wish I'd had a chance to comment sooner, because I have a specific point to make on that debate. I hope it wasn't already made on the podcast somewhere...I listen while driving, and occasionally the road demands more attention than the podcast. Occasionally.


Anyway, I will always prefer the parser interface, because though it can become a stumbling block at times, it will always have one huge advantage. With a parser, the player is interacting with the fictional world itself. With point-and-click, the player is interacting not with the world, but with the artistic depiction of that world. You simply cannot interact with what you cannot see. With the parser, that limitation doesn't exist. You can be told about something in a room description, and because it exists in your mental model of that room, you can interact with it, even though there are no pixels representing it. The game is allowed to become more than what's on screen, and in my opinion, it brings the game more intimately to life.

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Really enjoyed this episode, as always.


I'm a little confused by the huge interviews with the Westwood music guy. He's got a lot of exposure already (TV shows, etc.), apparently, and he doesn't have anything to do with Space Quest or Sierra...


I skip over his interviews without hesitation, and I'm always disappointed to see that they command such a large proportion of the content.


Anyway, can't complain about a 2-hour SQH episode!

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Caldric: Hey, good point! I'll bring that up on the next show.


Suejak: Heh, yeah, they do take up a lot of room. The idea was borne out of me doing "nerd talk" about old music devices after Seibert/Mulvale's SQ3 commentary. Ken just came out of nowhere and said he had an opportunity to interview Klepacki, and I thought it was kind of a scoop. I agree it's not completely, totally SQ related. But it is tech related. :)

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Troels, just curious, but would you be able to track down any designers who worked on any of the later SQ games to get their take on art they helped produce and even their experiences at Sierra? Maybe Josh, Scott or Mark could connect you with some of these un-sung heros? I thought it was interesting that there was art mark couldn't really speak on in some of the games either to lack of knowledge or hands on interaction.  I think out of all the content though that has been created since the start of the KS, I was most enamored with the insider interviews. Maybe more content like this for future podcasts?? And not to take away from any of the content you have come up with because frankly, I'm astonished at the amount of topics you have been able to embellish on in depth thus-far, so well done! 



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HCH: Hey, thanks. :) Embellishment is my specialty. As for artists who worked on latter-day SQ games, that's not a bad idea! Back in my Wilco's Domain, I interviewed Michael Hutchence (artist on SQ6), and it'd be fun to get input from Sean Murphy (artist on SQ5) and Barry T. Smith (artist on SQ4). I'll take that on board and try to reach out to these fine folks. Thanks for the suggestion!


Also, the Ray Trace joke in the SQ6 credits soooo went over everybody's head back then. I thought it was kinda obvious. ;)

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Hey, thanks, Suejak -- and thanks, guys! :)


And, yeah, I'm still not sure what the format is, actually. It just sort of evolved around me and I was pretty much winging it all the way through season 1. For season 2, I realized I needed a better plan, so -- since the podcast had sort of organically evolved into having a central topic for each episode -- I planned all the episode topics in advance, so I would at least know what to talk about. The scripts are still usually written the day before recording, though.


And, actually ... The Pope was kind enough to send me some stats a little while back. I thought I had maybe 10 or 20 listeners, most of them being you guys who were just tuning in because, y'know, we're friends and all that. But it turns out I actually average around 100 unique downloads per episode, and when the Guys check me in one of the KS updates, I sometimes spike into 300-500. That really rules, guys. So thank you for spreading the word and being cool early adopters. ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

My friends,


Due to a lot of circumstances, some more disastrous than others, the podcast is on temporary and involuntary hiatus. The biggest reason for this is that, currently, I no longer have a computer with which to record and mix the show.


Sadly, I can't say when the show might resume its normal schedule at this time.


My apologies.

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Ok... Don't be afraid to set up a donation system just for your regular podcasts, though!


I guess that could get complicated due to the number of volunteer contributors, lol. Plus I'm sure you want to do it because you love it, not because you feel obligated to or whatever.

But I work at home and the SQH podcasts are probably my #1 background noise.


I personally would be willing to pay something like 20 buckazoids/mo for them... 

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