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Colonel's Bequest in FPS style


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This is something little I've been tinkering on. I'm aiming at re-creating the whole mansion as well as the the island surrounding in 3D. The 3rd floor and the roof  is still missing from the mansion itself, but there's already some place holder stuff outside.

This is actually something I've been wanting to do for a good while now. Colonel's Bequest is propably my favourite Roberta Williams game and among my favourite Sierra games in general.


Let's hope DropBox let's you stream it. Use WASD and mouse to move. Space jumps.



Here's a standalone version for Windows. I recommend using a windowed mode, as otherwise you'll need to alt tab out from the app. The web version is upadted to this as well. Now you can walk all the way upstairs with out need to jump on the stairs. You can also go to the attick and Fifi's room. Downstairs you can see the places for secrets doors.


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I confess, I do have a small model of Arcadia, the corridors and the library to be more exact, which I've used as a base level in my experiment in creating a simple 3D point and click environment. I used the same project to create the Colone's Bequest scene, so the name followed :D

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