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New SQ7 beta thread


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Hey folks,


Feel free to continue the SQ7 beta thread in this new one, since the previous one was derailed.


The original poster, "darealdeal" has so far said:



We finally did it!


We are part of a group that has been working silently on an SQ7 game. Finally done, it took us abou 5 years, mostly because we are all industry based and rather busy.


All I can say is, it's been WELL worth the wait.. we're lucky to have developers from several different countries (I myself am based in Japan), so we already have language support in the following options:

1. English

2. Spanish,

3. German,

4. Dutch (but our Dutch translator is not a native speaker)

5. Japanese


We are hoping to release French and Italian versions soon. Our Spanish staff member tells us that we should develop a catolan (sp?) version, but I dont know.


It's basically fairly similar to the last SQ games, just longer with better graphics and sound (most of us work in graphics/sound/music related industries).


Anyway, we have a beta version (or as we call it a "better than beta" version), and we are looking for a few people to test it before we release it to the world. We're only looking for about 10 testers (to keep numbers under control and for copyrite issues), so first come, first served, so to speak. Put your virtual hand up here, and we'll be in touch later.


- Jeff.

And later:



Hi guys, its me again..


okay ,we'll post some screen shots, if someone can tell me how to post pictures here.


As you've said, the "proof is in the pudding"


Dead line for applications:

October 1st



Other discussion includes the potential of it being a hoax, which hasn't come to anything. While I reserve my scepticism there's no point being overly cynical as yet, since there's no evidence either way. The guy seems nice enough :D


So, carry on!


- Spike

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Yeah, it's nice to see you posting and offering proof :D I hope you'll forgive some of the negativity, the Space Quest community has seen so many prosperous remake and "sequel" projects come and go, that we've become rather jaded. I'm still eager to beta test and I encourage you to join, we are in definate need of new members.



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Maybe you could become a forum member also, "SQFan81" :D (And I see you eventually have, good man.)


Looking forward to the update. :) I'm starting to get excited about this new one, it has been ages since even I saw anything new Sierra related, let alone SQ.



- Spike

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Yeah, I've got a good feeling about this, even if it's not good it's still new Sapce Quest, which I'm always up for.


Darealdeal: Like some of us have said before, I definately don't think you should call it Space Quest 7, Vivendi doesn't seem to care about Sierra fan games, but the only two that I've ever seen that had numbers trying to say they were the next in the series got in trouble, unless I'm mistaken.

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Screenshots? **eyes widen a little** Well this is good news, and its own new thread too even... heh. Nice modding... was getting kinda crazy there... Though it was nice to see a very active thread, despite not being very active in myself. But I'll continue to wait and see, the weekends almost up tho... heh, nice to just see some posts from the original poster again that is positive enough... kinda; one can but wait and hope...

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Guest darealdeal

yes, sorry..


I'm quite busy due to a lot of (small) business trips... this means that I'm either totally exhausted, or without access to my home PC a lot of the time.


I'll get it posted fairly soon though, this weekend coming is a long weekend over here! (setsubun no hi)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Maybe, since he's got developers from over five different time zones, that in order to confirm that he has received data from all of these developers, he has to accommodate for the difference in distance in time in regards to the Earth's orbital patterns. Thus, a weekend that would span almost the entirety of the rest of the year.


This could also account for certain time discrepancies. For all we know, he could have announced that he had finished making Space Quest 7 five years ago, and that we have to wait another five years from this date in order to see any screen shots.


Keep your hopes up fellas! Only 1,560 Real Earth days to go.


Yep, I'm bored.

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