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I'd like to see SQ3 redone like SQ2 was


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Well, who knows - maybe in the future we COULD get a license to make and sell it. If we were able to sell it for $5-$10 and make it so we could pay the team a decent wage, I'd love to do it. We just don't have the time to do free remakes anymore. When we started IA 10 years ago, most of us were young, single - no families, students or working stiffs (or disabled!) and we had tons of free time and a hell of a lot less bills! Now, most of us are married with children (multiple children) and the extra time to do stuff without pay just isn't there.




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Yeah, remakes are tricky for some reason. Probably because a well-made fan remake can be difficult to distinguish from an official, licenced product. When we did Vohaul Strikes Back, we were never contacted by Vivendi, or once the Sierra properties changed hands, Activision. And we kept going for nine years during which we were quite open about the project. We only turned to near-complete radio silence once Space Quest 7 was axed.


A theory that was making the rounds on our team was that the lack of a number probably cleared us. Had we called ourselves Space Quest 8 or something like that, all hell would probably have broken loose. That, and people have largely referred to the game sans the "Space Quest" prefix. Neither strategy can be used for a remake, obviously. But it is apparently possible to steer clear of Activision should you have to.


Or maybe it was just all dumb luck.

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Yeah, good point. I didn't think of that.


How about you give me the game for free and I'll pay you 15 buckazoids for a litho of the latex babes naked? That'd be a commission. ;) (KIDDING!, well, not really, but I don't expect you to do that)


But seriously, it's kinda a shame that the fan games aren't as much being made anymore. I think some of them have been really good, given the fact that they're free and kinda help me bide my time until SpaceVenture comes out.

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  • 4 weeks later...

While I love this idea, it also makes me incredibly sad. I kinda don't want to ever see a SQ3 remake... part of me wants it to remain unchanged as the pinnacle of EGA adventure game graphics. It's the best looking one by a good margin, and there's really nothing else like it. Well, in my personal opinion anyway.

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While I love this idea, it also makes me incredibly sad. I kinda don't want to ever see a SQ3 remake... part of me wants it to remain unchanged as the pinnacle of EGA adventure game graphics. It's the best looking one by a good margin, and there's really nothing else like it. Well, in my personal opinion anyway.


Then apparently you are not familiar with TCB.

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A Space Quest III remake would be awsome, but you know what would be easier to make? A copy of Space Quest III with different graphics. By the way, if Infamous Adventures do a remake of Space Quest III, don't throw in a PUZZLE! I passed afternoons trying to open the hidden room. I did it finally, but I hacked the game to find the password. :wacko:

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You know that room wasn't necessary to beat the game right?


And beside, puzzles are the whole point of adventure games. What's the point in playing a remake when you already know what to do? I personally like it when new things are added. Reminds me why I loved the originals to begin with. It's all about the puzzles. That is adventure gameplay. Without it you might as well just be watching a video.

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