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Favorite and Least Favorite Fan Games


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Of the fan games that have been made, which is your favorite and least favorite?


I have noticed quite a few of them:


Space Quest -1: Decisions of the Elders:


Space Quest 0: Replicated


Space Quest 2 VGA


Space Quest: The Lost Chapter


Space Quest IV.5: Roger Wilco and the Voyage Home


Space Quest Incinerations


and of course, Vohaul Strikes Back.


I have never played IV.5, although something tells me I'm not missing much. I played -1 and got stuck, the rest of them seem pretty solid, tbh.

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I'm obviously insanely proud of my work on Vohaul Strikes Back, but would have go with Incinerations as my favourite. Chris made just about one of the best non-commercial games ever with that. SQ2VGA and Pledge Quest are honourable mentions. The former is a great love letter to SQ2 and the latter demonstrate that you can make a great game even under very tight constraints. Bigger does always automatically mean better.


Least favourite would have to SQIV.5. I've actually never played it, but I hate games that use ripped resources. Derivative art is fine, but there is a line. Especially if you try to pass off your "work" as something original afterwards. It's my least favourite to a degree where I will never play it. Only bitch about it.

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Thanks for the kind words about Pledge Quest, guys. It's still a little strange for me to think of PQ1 and PQ2 as actual Space Quest fan games, but I suppose they function in a way as "meta-fan games" (if that's even a thing).


Back on topic, I can't say enough wonderful things about Vohaul Strikes Back and Incinerations. Both are amazing projects that every Space Quest fan should absolutely play. For what it's worth, I'm also a big fan of Replicated. It boasts awesome AGI graphics, a fun storyline, and a gender-flipped Fester Blatz. What more could you ask for?


Least favorite? It's hard to say, really. I haven't played Decisions of the Elders or The Voyage Home, so I can't speak to those. I'd argue that The Lost Chapter hasn't necessarily aged all that well, but considering it was the first full-length SQ fan game (and still quite impressive after all these years), it's hard to hold that against it.

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I've only played Replicated, The Lost Chapter, and the Space Quest 2 remake all the way through. I got about halfway through Vohaul Strikes Back before putting it on the back burner, for reasons that I can't honestly remember. While fun, I wasn't a huge fan of the earlier games. But, I did really enjoy SQ2 and made me glad that I backed QFI afterwards. And I plan on playing through the rest of the fan games at some point. I just have way too much on my plate right now to devote the time to these for now. I'm sure I'll make a critique after I've gone through them all, though.


Oh, yeah. I did play the first Pledge Quest. Really good game for the amount of time put into it. I need to load up the second one at some point.

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  On 10/18/2013 at 3:13 PM, 'Intendant S' said:

Oh, yeah. I did play the first Pledge Quest. Really good game for the amount of time put into it. I need to load up the second one at some point.

For what it's worth, Pledge Quest 2 is quite a bit more ambitious than the original (probably because we spent months working on it instead of three days). :P

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My personal favorite was "Vohaul Strikes Back". When I signed onto the project, so much groundwork had been laid down and it had one of the biggest, richest cast of characters out of any Space Quest. I also really loved "Pledge Quest 2" for what it did with the cat. I think I hurt myself smiling over that one.


Least favorite? Ummm... gonna side with Frede here.


Which was your favorite, Steve?

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  On 10/19/2013 at 1:45 AM, 'Datadog' said:

Which was your favorite, Steve?


It's REALLY tough for me to pick one. My opinion might change when I beat VSB, but for right now Incinerations is my favorite one. Except for the idea of a quartezoid (note that in SQ4 if you try to get change for a buckazoid, it tells you that the buckazoid is the lowest currency in the known universe), it really made me crack up. I think my favorite character was the robot who wasn't defragged. It was a shame that we had to screw him up by making him a cleaner and then disabling him.


The other thing I liked was if you scored perfect, you ended up with both Stellar and Beatrice. Unlike Larry, Roger may be an idiot but he does try to be a good guy, and that should be rewarded with something in the romantic department other than "Look, Roger. You're a loser!" It's one thing to give Larry a kick in the head when he's down, it's another for poor Rog.


I think Replicated may be third. I kinda miss the classic format of the game in question.


I understand that neither Incinerations nor VSB had a voice pack, which I think would have been awesome in either case. Both of them though are really fun games and I'm glad to see people trying to make fan games and keeping the tradition alive.

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  On 10/19/2013 at 7:48 AM, 'SteveHNo96' said:

The only other thing I didn't like about Incinerations was the fan community wanted a shirtless Roger. I have a rule about nudity. There's only one gender I like and Roger isn't it.


Maybe you'd like the Naked Doomtron easter egg, then. ;)


I'm really looking forward to playing VSB with voices. I really wish there was a voice pack for Incinerations as well.


And I really wish I hadn't lost those Narrator lines I did for SQ2VGA! Grrr.

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  On 10/19/2013 at 7:48 AM, 'SteveHNo96' said:

The only other thing I didn't like about Incinerations was the fan community wanted a shirtless Roger. I have a rule about nudity. There's only one gender I like and Roger isn't it. Other than that, I really enjoyed Incinerations and VSB looks pretty good too =)


Dude, he has boobs. Didn't you notice? That should blur the lines a little bit.


VSB has implied male orangutan nudity, courtesy of Rodney spreading 'em off-screen. I'm not sure if that's a good thing in your eyes, but it's there.

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  On 10/19/2013 at 3:31 PM, 'Datadog' said:

Shirtless Roger...? Did I put an easter egg in there without noticing?


Someone actually asked for it on the Incinerations board (I told that person he was about as smart and as useful as the droid on the right, but nowhere near as friendly). I suggested that Bea and Stellar would be a better alternative (because y'know, they're actually the right gender)



Dude, he has boobs. Didn't you notice? That should blur the lines a little bit.

You're really only making the situation worse.



VSB has implied male orangutan nudity, courtesy of Rodney spreading 'em off-screen. I'm not sure if that's a good thing in your eyes, but it's there.


What they do off-screen is their own business, as long as I don't see it. It's like going to a gym. Eyes on the floor, seeing about 4 feet ahead of you.


A naked Doomtron egg? I thought that thing was already naked? Oh well. That one won't hurt, I guess.



I'm really looking forward to playing VSB with voices. I really wish there was a voice pack for Incinerations as well.

I actually agree. I think both of these games would be greatly enhanced by a voice pack. I know that's a pipe dream at this point but I'd still like to see it.

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  On 10/19/2013 at 9:03 PM, 'SteveHNo96' said:

Someone actually asked for it on the Incinerations board (I told that person he was about as smart and as useful as the droid on the right, but nowhere near as friendly). I suggested that Bea and Stellar would be a better alternative (because y'know, they're actually the right gender)

It'd be easier to make a Shirtless Roger. The girls' 3D models wouldn't accommodate nudity because of the way their shirts are modeled. But Roger was built for clothing swaps, so all I'd have to do is change his shirt to a skin tone, put him in a provocative pose, photoshop some nipples onto him and - GAAAH!!! What am I saying?!?



You're really only making the situation worse.

Yes I am.



I actually agree. I think both of these games would be greatly enhanced by a voice pack. I know that's a pipe dream at this point but I'd still like to see it.

SQInc was going to get one if there was enough support for it, but it's getting harder to find committed volunteers for even VSB.


Incidentally, if anyone has a microphone, please send us your best ape voice!

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  On 10/19/2013 at 11:24 PM, 'Datadog' said:

It'd be easier to make a Shirtless Roger. The girls' 3D models wouldn't accommodate nudity because of the way their shirts are modeled. But Roger was built for clothing swaps, so all I'd have to do is change his shirt to a skin tone, put him in a provocative pose, photoshop some nipples onto him and - GAAAH!!! What am I saying?!?

When it comes to women, I heed the words of Clint Eastwood during that Super Bowl commercial: If we can't find a way then we'll make one. ;)


As for the last part of this sentence, I'd ask what the difference was between people who want to see that and a mallard with a cold, but I am working on my social graces (hint: one's a sick DUCK... ;) )




SQInc was going to get one if there was enough support for it, but it's getting harder to find committed volunteers for even VSB.


Incidentally, if anyone has a microphone, please send us your best ape voice!


Honestly, if I could afford to do it for free, I'd help. I don't have a microphone but I'd go down and do at least one or two voices. I'd probably do it for a small fee, since I'm going to try to go across the country next summer to meet my favorite person in the world.

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  On 10/20/2013 at 1:54 AM, 'Troels Pleimert' said:

I'd love to do voices for Incinerations; I think I may have mentioned that during the commentary. ;)


I also would love to do voices for it. I wouldn't ask you for more than about 10 bucks a day plus some cash for a microphone if I'm not going to a studio.



You can do shirtless Roger!

Posted Image


You know how they say less is more? In this case, zero is perfect.

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