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Mass Collaborative Tribute Video *COMPLETE!!*

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Deadline: November 1st


Deadline passed! Video complete!




Decided to make a new thread for this. For those not in the know, following the events on the latest Kickstarter update, I thought it'd be nice to make a mass tribute video to the Two Guys and the Space Pope for all they've done and are going to do and for giving then some encouragement and a morale boost.


I don't know exactly what goes on behind the scenes, but after the...comment on the update, and the events that transpired afterward including the incredible level-headed and unwavering support from the backers, it seemed aporopriate to reinforce that support by blasting them with a completely unnecessary but heartfelt gob of sobbing thanks to the Two Guys for getting back together to make us games and to Chris Pope for being the great mind and engine that put them together again in the first place.


My idea for the video is simple. A short video (about 5-10 mins? I'm open to suggestions) of edited footage of the fans being overly emotional about all the Two Guys have done for them and how they changed their lives. Maybe even with a lot of sarcasm in places. And then ending on a serious note to show that we really do support them and that we support SpaceVenture and all of their future endeavours. Something to make them laugh and cry all at the same time. :) I'll throw some sappy music in there too for maximum sappage effect. I might even compose something myself, or just use some tracks from the SQ games or something. Or if anybody feels like contributing music or something else then by all means please feel free!


So if you'd like to submit a video here are some guidelines.


-Make it about 5 minutes or so. A couple minutes of a comedic over-emotional monologue of thanks and support, and a short note of serious business and honest well wishing and support at the end. I'll be picking and choosing the best bits I find to keep it condensed down. Or if it all fits then I'll use it all! If we don't mind this thing going 15-20 minutes then I'm game for that too! But don't limit yourself. If you've got some gold then just let it all out! I'll be editing clips back and forth of different sections between people and not putting whole videos back to back, if you know what I mean...what do you call that?


-Don't worry, it doesn't matter if you don't think of yourself as a particularly funny person. But if you think you can only be serious, then don't let that stop you. Send what you got! Likewise, if you don't think you can really be serious then just send in your sarcasm and wit. It will be used.


-It doesn't matter what format your video is in. As long as we can hear your voice and see you that's fine.


-If you have no camera but can record with a mic, just send that with a picture of yourself or an avatar if you don't want anybody to see you. That could actually be hilarious. You could make it sound like leaving a message on the answering machine and you misunderstood the point and thought you were getting money or something for doing it. I don't know! As long as its funny and or supportive just send it in! I'm wide open to suggestions on how to make it better. This is not my project but all of our project and as such should reflect the community as a whole and their ideas.


Ideally it'd be neat to have the video finished before their Oct 16th unveiling update when they'll tell us all about why the game was delayed and all that stuff. Just to show that although we appreciate the update and transparency and that we might be disappointed that we won't be getting Two Guys gaming goodness for a little while longer, in the end it doesnt matter and it won't change the fact that we're still going to support them to the end. But it's not the end of the world if it takes some people a little longer to get something together. That's totally fine. This could just as easily be an answer video to the coming update rather than a pre-emptive one.


You can upload your recorded video/audio file somewhere and link here to inspire others, or PM it to me if you're a wuss :), or you can email it to me at my email shine62 [at] gmail [dot] com.


Also, I'll be putting it together, but I'll confess that I'm not the best and most talented video editor in the world and if anybody who is better at it and wants a crack at making it more awesomer than I ever could, you are welcome to do so!


So that's it! Get filming/recording and send in your funny faces and voices! Good luck!

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I'll add that I received Troels' video and it is absolutely hilarious and perfect. It's utterly and completely sarcastic to the core and I know you know, Troels, that they'll appreciate it immensely. So to add, it doesn't have to be fake-emotional if you don't want, guys. Whatever ideas you got just send it! Doesn't have to be my half-brained ideas!

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Your presence would be most favourable and honouring if you did submit, Serena! Especially considering the circunstances! Don't worry you'll fit in with the rest of us nicely! Or at least me, at any rate. I don't like a lot of visual focus being on me either very much. Especially when trying to "act".


Irishmile, no real deadline. Like I said, if we could get it all done before the 16th somehow that'd be pretty neat. If people need more time to contribute that's not really a problem. I'd like to keep it from spinning relatively out into the waiting room galaxy, so maybe within a month from now? I really don't think it should take that long and its probably overkill, but I guess all things need a deadline so that they actually get finished. I don't expect we'll have to wait that long, though.

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Perfect! My sob story about being a lonely 16-year old was supposed to be my emotional moment -- I did have friends, and some of them weren't made up. I guess I can wave my bid at the Oscar goodbye for being too subtle in my acting. ;)


All kidding aside, I'm glad you liked it, Brandon. The Guys are gonna love it. Really great idea, this was. :)


Having Serena on is going to be a scoop. Jason, you already appeared in one of my videos and you flipped a table on me, so I have a feeling you're gonna be alright. ;)

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Perfect! My sob story about being a lonely 16-year old was supposed to be my emotional moment -- I did have friends, and some of them weren't made up. I guess I can wave my bid at the Oscar goodbye for being too subtle in my acting. ;)


All kidding aside, I'm glad you liked it, Brandon. The Guys are gonna love it. Really great idea, this was. :)


Having Serena on is going to be a scoop. Jason, you already appeared in one of my videos and you flipped a table on me, so I have a feeling you're gonna be alright. ;)


Poor table, I broke it with that flip :) Speaking of which, I never saw that video. I watched Twitter, but never saw the link come up. You have a place I should check for all of your stuff? Ya know what? Don't bother answering that, I'll just google it.


I started writing up a rough script and I'll likely try shooting the video tonight.

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I'm camera shy to an incapacitating degree (good luck finding a picture of me on the interwebs!). I'll probably need a psychiatry session or two before I can handle stepping in front of a camera, so I'll second Datadog's query for a potential cut-off date.


When the SQ6 commentary happened, I mailed Chris Pope my SQ-story, which sure enough contained enough sappiness and pathos to fill at least two Spielberg films. That one would've made for the best script for a sappy fan tribute. Unfortunately, since I mailed this from a lavabit-account, that mail is no longer there.


True to the most recent episode of the Space Quest historian, I'd also be more than happy to translate someone's sappy story into German. In case you'd like to deliver your sappy story with a teutonic twist (you know, to boost not only the two guys' morale, but their work ethics as well... :P ), feel free to drop me a PM!

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Perfect! Nov 1st sounds like a great idea!


I have a few ideas kicking around my head for short snippets which could be inserted throughout the tribute video to spice up the sappiness. If anyone's interested to put my silly ideas into practice (or is suffering from writer's block), feel free to contact me!

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Great! I'm working on my notes now and will try to grab a friend to run the camera this weekend. Knowing the way that I think, it'll be sappiness interlaced with bad jokes. Should be perfect for the video.


And I'm also planning a little "thank-you" to Scott, Mark, and Chris on Facebook as well.

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In lieu of being reminded upon its use that Windows Live Movie Maker is a piece of cancer-laced roach-infested constipated-yet-surprisingly-moist giraffe turd, I promptly dismissed it as a viable tool for this video. However, I discovered that Windows Movie Maker 2.6 (the version that came with Vista that still retains all the old features) was available. I have that now, but it only imports MPG, AVI, and Microsoft's own ridiculously worthless codecs. So I went hunting for a decent high quality video converter so I could make everything AVI before importing them into Movie Maker. Found a couple nice ones......that all add watermarks to the output video unless you buy them. So I looked for an open source converter instead. Found one. Works pretty well.


It was about that time I discovered that I ran into this problem a while back....and found a free-for-non-commercial-use video editor alternative to Movie Maker altogether called VideoPad Video Editor which is basically everything that old Movie Maker used to be....with the added feature of being able to import any video format into the project! So no converting! All that work....for nothing. Oh well.


Just felt like sharing that. I'm not sure what it did for you....but you're welcome. You may now continue on with your lives enriched by my dazzlingly inspiring story. You can do anything!

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VideoPad sounds extremely useful. Thanks for telling your tales of woe.


I have Premiere lying around. Don't ask me why. But as far as using it, I'm an idiot. Sometimes, you just need the really simple stuff. Something like Movie Maker or iMovie. The old versions of both, mind.


Keep up the good work!

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VideoPad Video Editor


For the love of God, NOOO!!!


That thing was developed by a company called NCH Software. I recently installed one of their other programmes (WavePad I believe it was called...) and it was a fucking nightmare beyond belief! It re-assigned all my media files to WavePad by default (not that you could tell it not to do so during installation, no siree!), re-assigned other types of files to other NCH-related programmes (if you tried to open them it would try to download that program from the Internet). Not to mention it installs files all over your computer and is an absolute bitch to get rid of. If you're using a program like Thunderbird, it will (allegedly) try to pull your mail information.


If that doesn't constitute spyware/malware, it's pretty goddamn close! Do yourself a favor and get rid of this shit!

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