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Buy SQ rights


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Guys, how do you see to the Kickstarter project or some fond (by Two Guys, for ex) to collect money to buy SQ rights? For creating SQ7 by Two Guys
For ex. 10,000$. If we'll put some money every month (all fans from the world) (see - in the SV Kick - amount of backers!!!)

Better with using WebMoney. And Scott show final sum in the Two Guys site (like in the Kickstarter)

Maybe it's prj for 3-5 years, but then we got some bucks to Activision and can win the rights

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Not going to happen, though. I believe a few people were thinking of somethingnlike this a couple years ago. It's just way too much money ($10k is not near enough. It's somewhere in the millions). But besides that it's legally ambiguous. If it's Kickstarted who gets ownership? Everyone who pledged? It just sounds like a legal nightmare.

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It's not that they "want" the rights, per se, it's just that they own the copyright and they are required by law to uphold it. A company needs assets. They're keeping as many assets as they can and defending their copyright so they can keep them. They were offering them for sale at one point but the price was just unrealistically high. Possibly on purpose. I don't think they care one way or the other if they sell it or keep it. They're probably happy with things just staying the way they are and just not worrying about it.

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In some cases companies might not even know all the rights they own, especially with older assets acquired through mergers and sales.  Companies also like to own IP's and rights "just in case", because you never know what is going to make you money, be it some one offering ridiculous amount to get the rights or if some specific genre shows new potential.


At this moment there's people at Activision looking very closely what is happening with the adventure revivals from Kickstarter. If they end up doing money Activision will most likely put more assets in active development besides Gabriel Knight. One good example is Ubisoft, which started to develope new Might and Magic RPG because of the success of old school RPG revival. Though in their case M&M series has been on the surface because of Heroes of Might and Magic series, but they aren't RPG's.

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