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Just curious if people are playing other games besides waiting for more Space Quest-y goodness.


I myself recently (last month...) finished being disappointed with Mass Effect 3 and have been lapsing into SSB Brawl matches. Is there anything else interesting out there?

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I don't have much time for playing games these days ... sadly, because there's so much cool stuff coming out (and about to come out).


I would really like to play Gray Matter, Jane Jensen's new adventure. I have promised Daniel Stacey that I would play AGD's KQ2 remake (which he wrote), while he watches via Google Hangout and makes fun of me. That's next on the list.


The last game I played was Incinerations.


Going back aways, I tried to get through the first Secret Files: Tunguska game on my Wii, but lost interest pretty quickly. The same with Broken Sword: Director's Cut. I really wish more people would make adventure games for Wii -- it's the perfect console for it -- but the adventure games on it so far have been pretty lacklustre. Except Sam & Max Season One. :)

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Season Two is on the Wii as well. As is Tales of Monkey Island. Personally, I find that my wrist gets very tired playing adventures on the Wii since it mainly involves pointing and clicking as its primary interface.


I've started Incinerations and VSB as well but I haven't gotten back to them in a while. I haven't been playing games for a long time now. Though, I consistently sink money into those indie game bundles, GOG and Steam sales every now and then. I've mostly been playing Minecraft, actually.

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  pcj said:

Aye, Minecraft. I tend to think of that less as a game and more as a hobby.

Ohh, yes. It's kind of seasonal for me, with periods of active play alternating with time away from it.

I'm currently in the latter, but if anyone were to launch a Minecraft server for, say, the SQ community, I'm in.

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I'm playing "Darksiders" at the moment. I was under the assumption that it'd be a quick 8-hour "God of War" style romp, but now it's quickly turning into an incredibly huge Zelda-type game. I might be on it for a while.


My previous game played was "Uncharted 2".


The next game I play will either be "Grey Matter" or "Dragon Age 2".

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I have Skyrim but I've kind of took a hiatus from it lately. I'll get back to it eventually. I've got a sweet character in the making. Bosmer archer/thief/magic user. I love Skyrim's dynamic class system. Really cuts out half the time you waste trying to decide what kind of character you want to be. I'm one of those guys that would sit for 30 minutes in front of the custom class creator. Of course, it doesn't knock out all the time because you still sit there for ages designing the look of your character (which is strange, because you NEVER EVER see him in game anyway, unless you go third person and swing the camera around to your face).

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I don't play that much these days. But when I do, it's usually older stuff - I'm just on a laptop, and I have no interesting in saving up money for a stationary gaming PC. I've been playing a lot of "Half-Life 2," which I haven't played previously. That got me hooked on "Portal" as well, but the test chamber I'm stuck at right now - and have been for a while - is a real bitch.


Also currently going through "Quake" for the first time. Mainly cause I wanted to hear Trent Reznor's creepy-as-hell soundtrack in action. I also dug out the sequel just today; still have the old CD for it. I'm also having a lot of fun with the ZNES emulator. Been playing a lot of "Super Mario Bros.", "Super Mario World" and "Super Star Wars" recently. I never had a SNES myself, but I'm seriously considering getting one now.


On and off, I've also been playing the "Hitman" games, "Diablo II", "StarCraft", "Fallout" and - when there's really nothing else to do - "Duke Nukem 3D." Apart from the issue of PC horsepower, there's just something that keeps drawing me back to the golden oldies.


Should reinstall my Sierra collections as well, as I think. I may see the craving for an adventure fix coming soon.

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I was never any good at RPG's, but FF7 blew me away.


I used to have the Quake soundtrack on my iPod. But it put me in a very strange headspace when I showed up for work after having listened to it on the commute over. :)


Sonic Mayhem's Quake 2 soundtrack is just balls-to-the-wall ace.


And now we're on soundtracks, apparently. I'll just be quiet now. :)

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Right now, I'm making my way through Dead Space 2.


I also have Skyrim on PC and have installed several awesome mods which improve the graphics, but don't alter the gameplay.


That said, most of my game time is spent playing Gears of War 3 on Xbox Live with my friends at night. It's more of a social experience than anything else, but Gears is a really fun game. G1 is still the best, 2 was a let-down, and 3 is somewhere between the two, but closer to the first.


I am kind of ADD when it comes to games. I have a ton of games on steam that I will play a few minutes of and then quit and play something else. I also like to play around with emulators and the like. I have been working on my Sierra collection -- I now have all Space Quest games patched with Collector's patches, and most of the King's Quest and Quest for Glory games. But, I am having a heck of a time finding a copy of King's Quest IV AGI.

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Chamber 15, actually. Oh, and then I'll just veer off-topic again.


  Troels Pleimert said:

I used to have the Quake soundtrack on my iPod. But it put me in a very strange headspace when I showed up for work after having listened to it on the commute over.


Sonic Mayhem's Quake 2 soundtrack is just balls-to-the-wall ace.

The "Quake"-soundtrack is downright nasty, and I mean that as a huge compliment to Reznor. For us NIN-fans, I'd say it also works as a fitting end to the "Self Destruct"-era, and even though his recent soundtrack work has been awesome, the "Quake"-soundtrack still contains some of his most accomplished instrumental work. It's certainly the darkest...


I love the "Quake II"-soundtrack as well. Very different, but it does really get the adrenaline pumping. When you fire up a single player game, and "Descent Into Cerberon" starts playing, you know the Strogg are gonna have their biomechanical asses kicked.

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