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Calling all fans! ITS VIDEO TIMEZ!

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Hey guys! Guess what? It's almost time... I'll say no more than that just yet.


However, we need your help! We are gonna put together a video that will include guess who? You!! We hope :)


Submit to me some video clips of you talking about your Space Quest Fandom... Talk about why you love Space Quest, the music, the graphics, the humor, the death sequences, the skate-o-rama sequence from SQ4's cdrom version.


Here's the ground rules:


1. Video needs to be submitted by 5/11/12(It's best not to draw conclusions from this date.. you'll see ;)

2. The video must be in english (bad english will do, hey I'm in that category myself)

3. The clips must not be more than 60 secs in length.

4. The clips do not have to be HD.

5. The clip must be no more than 25 megs in size.

6. You must be wearing clothes.. at least the part of you in the video ;)

7. No music in the background, just you talking.

8. Props are welcome!(Game boxes, disks, photos etc...)

9. The clip must be in a standard video file format.(MOV,MPG,AVI MP4 etc...) No YouTube links.

10. Email the file to chris AT guysfromandromeda DOT com(one clip per person)

11. Be sure to mention how excited you are about the new Spaceventure and what that means to you.


NOTE: Make the email subject title "FAN CLIP: [YOUR NAME HERE]". This very forum is the only place that we will be posting this. :) We hope to use bits from all of these videos in what we are putting together, but I can't guarantee all clips will be used.


Thanks guys!


Chris Pope


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Aw, man...if I weren't so obnoxiously shy, I'd be tempted to give this a go.


(Plus, I'd like to think that refraining from having the fandom endure my monotonous dirge of a voice is the least I can do to help make the world a better place.)

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  On 5/5/2012 at 11:46 PM, 'Spikey' said:

Akril, don't make me contact you via every way I can think of to encourage you into doing this ;)


How about, if myself, who's never done video anything for his own website, does it, you might be tempted?


Hmm...I don't know...


(And somehow, I completely forgot to mention that my webcam is on the fritz right now, which renders this discussion somewhat moot. :unsure: )

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  On 5/6/2012 at 12:58 PM, 'Troels Pleimert' said:

Akril, you could always just do a piece of "speaking fan art," if you don't want to get on camera yourself? I don't remember seeing "artistic likenesses discouraged" in the rules list. ;)


An interesting idea, though I'm not sure if the time spent on the art, animation and lip-syncing would ultimately be worth it...
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Well, I turned in mine. I have an aversion to webcams as well; whenever there's one around, my eyes dart around, I get nervous and my English completely degenerates. Oh, well - still usable, I hope.

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I've just sent mine to Chris after editing 7 minutes of umms and errs down to 1 minute 15 seconds. I couldn't manage a minute, I ramble on too much. It's sooo difficult talking about how much you love space quest and why in 60 seconds!

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I just posted Doc's video on the Roger Wilco G+ page. (Here's finger's crossed he won't mind! ;) )


If anyone else have some public things they want to share on camera for the world to see -- some things that may be in excess of the 60 seconds we were given here -- this is your chance to let the world know.


Throw me a link, any link -- YouTube, Vimeo, whatever -- and I'll post it on the G+ page. This is your chance to speak your mind about the new Kickstarter and the new SpaceVenture game!

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