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I'm so glad this is launched. +Respect ;)


That said, I think your reward tiers are a little broken.

If you want Physical + Digital, you need to upgrade to the next level.

Or, buy the Physical, and then a cheaper digital version, to make up for it.


For example, if I want a Steam version of the game, and a version in a box, the cheapest option is to do two pledges, for $115 total, for Physical $100 tier, and a digital copy.


You see the same thing at the $500 tier. If I want a physical copy, with the Let's Play, but also want a copy of the game on Steam, it's best to do two separate pledges?


This seems like really weird breakdown ;)


Am I missing something?

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  On 5/8/2012 at 6:01 PM, 'e1ven' said:

You see the same thing at the $500 tier. If I want a physical copy, with the Let's Play, but also want a copy of the game on Steam, it's best to do two separate pledges?


I have to agree with this. I would really like an option for the digital content + physical content. Is it possible to do two separate pledges?

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Did not expect to see Ellen McLain there. Awesome.


  On 5/8/2012 at 6:48 PM, 'Datadog' said:

Also, that animated opening of theirs is totally epic. I felt like my game's opening credits had just gotten served.

Heh, for a moment there I thought they'd gotten you to do that. In any case, I'm just going to assume it was a tribute to Incinerations.

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Yeah, I have to agree that it's a little funky with the digital and physical tiers -- and that awesome spreadsheet is crazy... It'd make more sense to just out and out parody the the pledge-tier-system with a crazy Microsoft Visio fueled org chart.


Pledged $100 for now -- will probably upgrade to get the digital release as well (so I guess your tier-trickery works).

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Worth every last penny! A physical copy and the opportunity to be an investor in the first game from The Two Guys together since SQ IV.


Also Epic Video, loved what they did with the two guys pic with the Sierra mountains in the background from the SQ1 Box art. Could this be the new intro to all future games from two guys?

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Judge Dredded! I mean.... Just pledged!


I wish I had some more money to burn. This recession caught my balls in a bench-vice. Last December I would have doubled my pledge. I'm really sad to say I simply can't do that right now.


On a more positive note, this is so exciting, I think I have wet myself.



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I have not played much of Sierras games. However, I have played Space Quest 1 (point and click remake or whatever), and finished it if it weren't for the fact that I missed a vital piece from the beginning. So yeah, I kinda gave up - I really didn't want to replay the whole game just to get the ending. But other than the near-constant suffering, I enjoyed it. ;)


I've played a few other adventure games though, and I want more of them. Especially for Linux, so promising that upfront was a big factor for me deciding to back it. But the final straw was Rob Paulsen's involvement in the project. He has voiced so many of my favorite characters, so when he tweeted he was going to be involved I knew I wanted to back this.


The only way this could be more awesome would be getting Frank Welker on board. But I guess you'll just have to make the best out of it without him. (Not that it will be bad, quite the contrary, but he's just phenomenal). ;)

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The physical copy $100 tier is a little vague. It says you get a big physical box with a DVD of bonus content. It also says you don't get digital downloads of the game or the soundtrack. Does the soundtrack then also come in the box? I don't mind not receiving a digital download of the game if that's the way it has to be. I'll take the physical box. But I really would like to receive the soundtrack as well. Also, I'm wondering if the physical boxed version will also contain the Linux and Mac versions on the disc?


But alright, guys! Here we are! Let's do this!

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  On 5/9/2012 at 2:22 AM, 'MusicallyInspired' said:

The physical copy $100 tier is a little vague. It says you get a big physical box with a DVD of bonus content. It also says you don't get digital downloads of the game or the soundtrack. Does the soundtrack then also come in the box?


This is covered on the almightly tier chart, yes, if you go physical you would get your copy of the soundtrack on the disc.

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  On 5/9/2012 at 2:52 AM, 'MusicallyInspired' said:

Ah, I see the spreadsheet answered my question that the soundtrack IS included in the physical $100 tier. That is not explicitly mentioned in the tier description itself. Pledged!


Actually it's not. It's included in the $100 digital tier. There's two $100 tiers.


Anyway, another vote for digital copy of the game along with the physical one.

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  On 5/9/2012 at 3:39 AM, 'filipst' said:

Actually it's not. It's included in the $100 digital tier. There's two $100 tiers.


Actually, it is. In the physical $100 tier label on the spreadsheet:



Big Game Box + DVD with artwork PDF, diary notes, wallpapers, soundtrack, & video clips

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