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EGA version of the SpaceVenture prototype dome


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Those are awesome! During the KS I started trying to make the SpaceVenture dome in AGI just for fun (was playing around with it for the first time). The vector graphics and priority system certainly take a bit of getting used to. Anyway, I only got about part of the way through it before I realised how long it would take me to do the whole thing :) Also, it can be pretty draining to motivation when you mess up a colour fill and have to try to fix up the drawing instructions without destroying everything and having to start again :)


Anyway, here's where I got up to (posted in the pledgequest thread):

Posted Image

I actually got a lot further a couple of times but had to start over to get the priorities right etc. :(

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Fixing mistakes in AGI and SCI vector graphics is actually very very easy. All your drawing instructions are saved. All you have to do is go back to the one you messed up on and either change the colour if it's the wrong colour at that point, or just delete the instruction and insert a new one before going back to the end of the drawing instruction timeline.

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Fixing mistakes in AGI and SCI vector graphics is actually very very easy. All your drawing instructions are saved. All you have to do is go back to the one you messed up on and either change the colour if it's the wrong colour at that point, or just delete the instruction and insert a new one before going back to the end of the drawing instruction timeline.


It doesn't look like he's using AGI Studio by the looks of the screen shot above, however. I know that's how it works with AGI Studio.

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It's ScummVM so it's definitely AGI. Also, he said:


During the KS I started trying to make the SpaceVenture dome in AGI just for fun (was playing around with it for the first time). The vector graphics and priority system certainly take a bit of getting used to.

It doesn't matter if he used AGI Studio, Win AGI, or PICEdit. AGI picture resources can't be created any other way but the way that allows simplistic fixing of mistakes via the inherent drawing instruction timeline feature. :)


I actually got a lot further a couple of times but had to start over to get the priorities right etc. :(


You don't need to start over, like I said above. Go back through the drawing instruction timeline and fix your mistakes. Seamlessly.

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Yeah I was using AGI studio, an old version (1.2.4) that could run in Linux. It took a little while to get the hang of editing the history without accidentally wiping everything out, or nuking an important drawing step that took a few minutes to do. And figuring out that if you do a fill and it escapes and ends up filling half the screen, then you actually need to go through all the steps and probably fix up one of the really early steps, you can't just delete the last step. I'm guessing there's an optimisation to remove duplicate drawing instructions, so if you've got lots of drawing steps it can take a fair bit of hunting. And there's no undo, and to me the way steps are deleted was counter-intuitive, so I kept accidentally making 'off by one' errors with step deleting :) Like if you had step 3 selected, and clicked delete, then it would actually delete step 4 (or something like that).


Once you get the hang of it, it's ok.

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Richard here did these in photoshop and for a playable demo he cut out some priority layers that our little engine makes it pretty easy to put everything in place - at least it's better than the hassle with AGI priority/drawing and messing stuff up. We did that once for a christmas gift to our clients (here's the url http://quest42.nl/game.html) and it's still the pain you describe it is :), even knowing how to go back in the stack of commands and change them.


We got around to making the first scene playable and that was it:




(doesn't do much apart from walking around. Parser doesn't work I believe)


@Tawmis you're right - the hair should be red. And the guys look a bit flat indeed.

@Troels sure, go ahead! Post them.

@asdfasdf Great AGI pic in the making though!

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