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SpaceVenture News and Rumours


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At the risk of this being another trolling (though looking more legit) one of the commenters in the KS noticed that Corey Cole commented in the Gamasutra article:

Great article! Working at Sierra in the 90's was definitely like riding a roller coaster. We were making fun games and having amazing interactions with our teams and occasionally the other groups. But we were also working long hours for low pay, and as Scott mentioned, the more success we had, the more the company seemed to want to take away from us. At the time, we were all angry about it; in the light of history, I can see that management was just as squeezed as we were. The overhead and development costs kept going up, while sales stayed relatively fixed. Something had to give.


Along with all the stress, Ken Williams gave us opportunities that we might never have gotten elsewhere, let alone on our own. He trusted Lori and me to make Hero's Quest / Quest for Glory, and later Mixed-Up Fairy Tales and Castle of Dr. Brain, and he rarely interfered with the design or development. Yes, it was all because he wanted us to make us money, but there's nothing wrong with that - Everyone benefited. Incredibly hard work, moderately low pay, but it enabled us to create works of which we're still proud today. I think Scott and Mark could say the same - They were underpaid, and undoubtedly felt under-respected, but they had the opportunity to create work of great artistry and enduring value.


When Sierra went public, I found some very interesting numbers in the disclosures. I had previously determined that almost everyone there was earning about 35% less than they would have in comparable industry jobs in the Bay Area. Curiously, that salary difference (multiplied by the number of employees) *exactly* accounted for the company's profit margin. When the company started paying employees more competitive salaries, they stopped making a profit. Game development costs ballooned from under $500K (QG1 and 2, Castle of Dr. Brain, etc.) to several million dollars (QG5, Phantasmagoria, etc.). Typical game sales doubled in that time. There is a reason Sierra started cutting back on staff, bonuses, and benefits! But we didn't understand that at the time, and had families to feed, so it all felt personal.


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Saw a tweet from Mark a couple of days ago where he claimed to be feverishly working on animations for proto #5 :)


We also know from the wrap party (and Kickstarter comment thread) that the Mark, Scott & Chris intend this final proto to be something special. Though, in my opinion, having anything from these two is special, much less four minigames.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Kickstarter Update #52


Hey everyone!


We are excited to announce that the official SpaceVenture backers website is going live! Woa slow down there SpaceVenturer, before you get to excited, please be sure to read all of this post carefully.


We are adding thousands of user accounts into the website database. All of these accounts have to be put into proper groups so you guys all have access to the digital content goodness you came here for. Some of you will get your log on info sooner than others, please continue to be patient and give us time to get everyone added. Once you've been added you'll receive an email containing log on info and password.


There is very little content on the website at the moment. We have a lot that will be added but want to make sure the account creation process for everyone goes smoothly first! Please give us a few days to get everyone added. Please do not attempt to manually create an account as this could disrupt the creation process.


Don't forget to spread the word so we can meet some of the new stretch goals that are available! Thanks so much everyone!


PS- Living concept art 5 is on the way!





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While we're on the subject of stretch goals, if anyone reading this has any control over the guysfromandromeda.com site, could they take the question mark out of "WAIT! WE’RE NOT DONE YET PEOPLE?!"


I know there couldn't be a less important quibble, but it's an exclamation, not a question and it's driving me bananas. :^)

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While we're on the subject of stretch goals, if anyone reading this has any control over the guysfromandromeda.com site, could they take the question mark out of "WAIT! WE’RE NOT DONE YET PEOPLE?!"


I know there couldn't be a less important quibble, but it's an exclamation, not a question and it's driving me bananas. :^)


Depends. If you read comic books, this is often done. Especially since it's in all caps. It's like a shouting statement of amazement.

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Space Pope hits the road for Comic-Con!!


A little extra publicity never hurt anyone's Stretch Goals... if there were ever a time to make some extra sweet insider content, it would be a sweet damn backer video from Comic-Con. For me. Because I can't go.




I'd like to read more about how this panel went. Is there a transcript or video somewhere?

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