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Paul Trowe criticism on Kickstarter update

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Awesome! I was about to resign in disgust from the Replay forums after Trowe's revolting display towards dedicated über-fans like Serena and Tom, only to find out that someone already took the dirty work upon himself and banned me.


Well played, Mr Trowe! Well played! Driving away the few remaining fans who were willing to spread some positive word of mouth about a perfectly mediocre game.


I can't say how sincerely sorry I am for people like Serena, Tom and Irishmile for having so graciously given so much of their time, money, hard labour and LOVE, who are now getting spit out by this ungrateful scumbag.

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I just noticed, Josh's Facebook page has been deactivated.


Josh deactivating his Facebook page, as far as I know, had nothing to do with him leaving/being asked to leave Replay. It may have been related to it, but I got the feeling it was just him needing to wind down his on-line social life? (I also have no idea of the story surrounding his departure from Replay, either. I'm guessing that, in due time, the man himself -- or Trowe -- will let us know. Hopefully, they both will -- Josh for the honesty, and Trowe for the snidey, unintentionally funny, mostly-fictional side. ;) Sorry, that was mean. Back on my high horse.)



Awesome! I was about to resign in disgust from the Replay forums after Trowe's revolting display towards dedicated über-fans like Serena and Tom, only to find out that someone already took the dirty work upon himself and banned me.


Sounds like someone got busy with the ban-hammer.


If this follows Paul's usual modus operandi, I predict a public apology to Mark, Scott, Chris, and the fan community sometime within the next 12 hours.


Unlikely, my friend, since he now believes that SQN is populated solely by trolls. Not troels'; trolls. ;) From his witty and insightful retort on Kickstarter:


"So go troll on spacequest.net and gossip about me because honestly, I won't lose sleep over anything you guys have to say about me."


He's right; I think he has more pressing things to lose sleep about, to be honest.

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Me too. The overly sappy video montage appeals to me a lot. ;)


For a scoop, MAYBE we could get Jane to reprise her "the SQ series was a great inspiration to me - it helped define what I wanted to do with my games, and what I didn't want to do" line, only adding, "I hope the SpaceVenture fares better." ;)


First of all, it would be a hilarious balance to all the over-sap. And second, the timing couldn't be better - it's a throwback to both GK1 and the SQ heydays. :)


Except Jane is notoriously hard to get in front of a camera, it seems.

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Haha, I know, I know. It's all hugs, kisses and death metal.


Hehe, yes. Interestingly, I've had this song stuck in my head for a little while now: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vJgcH9PMtVA (The chorus goes, "I cannot spend more time listening to your lies..." - oddly apt, somehow.)

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Well, this is sad more than anything.. Josh did a really great job of repairing the image of Replay for awhile with his updates and by hiding Paul, I didn't know that he'd left Replay (but that explains Paul being off-the-leash).


I can only imagine that LSL:R sales are poor to middling, and that's something all adventure game designers are probably going to have to face. Not that surprising Paul is imploding, given that he's probably alone, surrounded by bills and hate, and he's that sort of asshole. Looking forward to hearing stories from Josh in 5-10 years -- and many thanks to the fellow Replay forum folks for the good times, it was fun while it lasted :D

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I wonder if Trowe really understands how much damage he's doing to not only his own reputation but the reputation of his company name as well. Josh did, indeed, fix up the previous PR disaster very nicely, but if he's not there to keep things in check I guess we won't be seeing that much of Replay in the future. I think he doesn't fully understand that he's a head of his company and as such everything he says or does reflects back on it as well. A sad thing indeed.

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I wasn't there for the early drama, but I know for a fact that I'm happy to see so many adventure game developers rally around each other and support each other. As a fan of the genre since the '80s it feels good to give so much back to something that I've loved as a child. What Paul did and said hurt. A lot. But I'm willing to move on and support projects that deserve my time and effort.

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I'm sorry for you guys just getting the middle finger from Paul Trowe after everything you've put into the LSL reboot. I went back to the Replay forums after things started to escalate in the Kickstarter update comments, and the discussions there are barely coherent with so many notable posters just completely vanished.


I only just registered here, since I've been spread a bit thin between various forums after the adventure game renaissance last year, but I like MusicallyInspired's suggestion about doing something nice for the Two Guys and the Space Pope. Also, I recognize so many names from other places here, that there certainly must be a lot of truth to what he said about us sticking together to make all these games a reality, despite whatever differences we might have had in regards to which companies/franchises we rooted for in our youth.

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